Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Personality Tests Reflection

In the first personality test, my score added up to be the color blue which gave the characteristics as follows: in search of self, value close relationships, desire quality time with loved ones, etc. I believe that the results to this assessment were completely accurate because a lot of the characteristics that were listed are very important to me and I truly value. With the second personality test, my personality was the direction South which meant that I am extremely caring. I do agree with that result to a certain extent. On the other hand, sometimes I may come off to others as direct and to the point and some people believe it is rude. I often times tell people how I feel, but at the same time if I know that I hurt them I apologize and admit that I was wrong. But majority of the time I do care about others emotions. I learned that I can be too emotional at times and as Teacher that could be a bad trait to have. If a teacher is too emotional than that would make the students feel as if the teacher would be easy to run over.  I need to learn how to balance being emotional and when not to be too emotional. In conclusion, these are great tests for anyone to take, so that they may learn more about themselves.

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