Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ideal Classroom

All teachers have their own individual perception of what their ideal classroom would look like. Personally, my ideal classroom would be like a lounge if I were to teach high school. For an example, I would have couches and also desks. The reason why I would have couches is so that the students will feel more relaxed and it would hopefully make the students feel more comfortable in the class. I would have desks for those students that focus better in a desk. I believe that it all depends on the students. If you know that the students focus better in a typical classroom setting with desks and chairs than go that route, and if the students focus better in a more relaxed environment go for the more comfortable furniture. If you have a mixture of both types of students get both comfy furniture as well as desks. I do not actually have a specific idea of how I want my classroom to look. I do know that I will apply the different scents such as: peppermint, lavender, orange and cinnamon to help stimulate the students brain. I honestly just want my students to feel that my class is a safe place.

My preference is to teach either preschool or kindergarten in an urban area. I prefer to teach at an urban school because I went to elementary, middle and high school all in an urban area, so I am greatly aware of the many challenges that the students may face at home. In my class I will have little stations, the walls would be extremely colorful informational posters, a big mat on the floor with maybe colors and the alphabet. I will apply what I learned about the fluorescent lighting. I personally believe that it is really important for preschool and kindergarten classrooms to be filled with lots of colors, it makes it a comfortable environment.

In conclusion, my classroom will be designed to meet the students needs. After taking this class I realized, that every student have their own individual needs some students learn better through color, some students are hands on. It is important for a teacher to be aware of the different styles of learning so they can apply them to the structure of the classroom. This is why I believe that it is important for a teacher to be well rounded so that they can work with the students despite the situations, which is why I believe that it is very crucial for teachers that grew up in urban to teach in schools that are in urban areas because they are aware of many of the things that the students are faced with and can relate to them.

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