Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Educational Psychology Reflection

Today we studied the different psychological developmental theories. My favorite theory is Abraham Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”, in this theory Maslow talks about if the basic needs such as: water, sleep, food, feeling of being protected etc. are not met then the person will not perform to the best of their ability. For an example, if a student is hungry, he or she will not accomplish what is expected of them because their hunger will be a distraction. Another theory that i found interesting is Erik Erickson’s “8 Stages of Development”. In this theory, Erickson explains the psychological developments from infancy to late adulthood. I found it interesting because it explains why people in each age group react to certain things in a certain way. For an example, most older adults with common sense react to things in a more civil way, because they are more wiser than us younger people and they think before they act. Also Jean Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s theory all tie into Erickson’s. They all break down the psychological development stages from infancy  to older individuals. In conclusion, it is very important for all teachers and parents to be aware of these theories when handling situations.

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