Wednesday, June 25, 2014

FL Schlagle Library Teaching Experience

This was a GREAT experience!! At first I was overwhelmed with the lesson plan because I did it by myself and it took a while to do it. I am extremely happy that I did type up the lesson plan, because I did have it to fall back on when I got stuck on what to do next. At first when I was observing the day before, I felt as if a lesson plan was not necessary because we were only doing an activity, but the day of my lesson I was extremely happy that I did type up a lesson plan so that I could remember what questions I was supposed to ask before and after the activity.

Teaching the activity actually went better than I thought it would. The students were engaged and they seemed as if they actually enjoyed the activity. Majority of the students knew what the water cycle was and I had them explain it to the students. I was amazed at one student, he explained the water cycle to the point where I did not have to say that much because the way that he explained it, he used many details. It was great to see that this activity taught a few students about the water cycle.

In conclusion, although the lesson planning was not very exciting, the fact that I taught a few students something new was very exciting. The lesson planning was beneficial and it did help me while I was teaching. Even though I am not an environmental person this activity also refreshed my memory about the water cycle because I have not went over this material since elementary school. Overall this was a great experience and I would recommend this program to anyone who loves the environment and also love working with students to volunteer at FL Schlagle.

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