Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Knowledge To Instruction Reflection

Our group taught the class the activity telephone. The point of the activity was to show the class how one statement can be turned into many things, just like rumors. The day before we watched a video called When The Chips Are Down By Richard Lavoie and in the video Mr. Lavoie explained the term “chips” represented how much self esteem one had in their self. For an example, if one person is yelled at by their parent then their chips are taken away as well as their self esteem. So when we had to teach our class we had to keep in mind not to take the students chips. Also, we had to keep the educational psychological theories in mind. Some students did not want to participate, some asked to use the restroom every two minutes, then I had to remember that if the students basic needs are not met then they will not function correctly in class.

Majority of the class did participate and the lesson turned out well. After the activity I asked the students to share with the person next to them about a time when they have heard a rumor and later found out that it was not true. In conclusion, this was a great experience. We all had fun but at the same time we all realized how hard it is to be a teacher and also how patient you have to be.

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