Tuesday, June 24, 2014

McDaniel Learning Center Observation

Today my observation took place at McDaniel Learning Center. This is my second time going there and I absolutely loved it!  Although the students have learning disabilities, the teachers there amazed me. I have much respect for all teachers, but I truly respect and I admire teachers that teach children with disabilities because the students come with many more challenges and also need more attention.

I realized that working with students with special disabilities can be beyond challenging at times and it takes very special people to work with those students. I really admire anyone that works with special needs children because it takes a lot of patience as well as a passion for what they do. My favorite class was the preschool class. It was my favorite because that is the age group that I would like to teach and the students were very loveable. One student had a speech impediment, and
I could relate because my oldest niece is going through the same thing. My heart goes out to students with disabilities as well as the parents and teachers. My heart goes out to the students because I have no idea what they have to go through and I know they get extremely frustrated not being able to clearly say and or do what they want. Also, my heart goes out to the parents and or caretakers and teachers because it takes a lot of patience. I strongly commend the parents and teachers for all the support that they give the children. At McDaniel Learning Center, I seen that the teachers used technology to help the students learn. For an example, the speech pathologist used an app on an Ipad to help keep a student focused. The student had a speaking problem and he was suppose to match a question with the correct answer, the speech pathologist said that if he answered three questions then he could play a transformers game on the Ipad. The game was used to help the student learn to match things together. I believe that this is a good strategy because it seemed to motivate him to keep trying.

In conclusion, this was a tremendous experience and it really opened my eyes to see how much work it is to deal with students with disabilities. Although the children have many challenges, you can tell that the teachers loves them and has a passion to help them. This was a wonderful experience, and I am overjoyed that this was my second opportunity to visit McDaniel Learning Center, I wish to go back to visit again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your learning experiences. It sounds like you are a very insightful person and that will help you in college and in working with young children if that is what you plan to do. Good luck to you!

    Megan Spohrer, Coordinator of Career and Technical Programs
