Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Characteristics Of A Great Teacher

In order to be a great teacher, one must obtain certain characteristics. The first characteristic that a teacher must have is that a teacher must be personally involved with each student. Being personally involved with each student means that the teacher builds a personal relationship with each student and knows the needs of every student. Next, a great teacher is also caring. As a teacher it is important to be caring because students will feel that they can trust you and feel open with talking to the teacher about anything. Equally important a teacher must be patient. Teachers endure a lot of rough days, and you must be patient. Students will try their hardest to get to the teacher and if the teacher is impatient all the time, then it will make the student think that the teacher does not really care about him or her and will ruin the relationship between the teacher and student. Also, a teacher has to be understanding. Understanding goes in hand with having a personal relationship with each student. For an example, if the teacher is aware of a student’s home life then in most cases the teacher will understand why the student does certain things. Lastly, every great teacher must be open minded and always receptive to learning new things. No one can ever be too old to learn something new or can never have too high of credentials to learn something new. Students will teach you things as well. If the students see that teachers do not know it all, the students will be more willing to listen to that teacher because the student will realize that the teacher is human and like all other humans we all make mistakes. In conclusion, a great teacher has many characteristics that shapes them into the people that they are.

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